• AgroLegacy™ is a logo and brand designed to promote local agriculture and its related products and industries. It was developed by the Wayne Tomorrow! Agriculture Task Force with a grant from USDA and the professional guidance of the Nikki Jones Agency to help our producers, processors, restaurants and markets distinguish their goods as truly local.

  • AgroLegacy™ is intended for family farms meaning the family or individual farmer is financially responsible and taking the risks. It can also be used by those who create value added products like cheese, honey or maple syrup from local agricultural commodities, as defined by the PA Preferred Program. Farmers Markets where more than half the vendors are AgroLegacy certified can also use the logo. Eventually, farm-to-table restaurants and grocers will be included as well.

  • The AgroLegacy™ program gives our producers and processors a stronger voice in the marketplace, by drawing consumers to local products. This includes the development of a new consumer-engaging website. Right now, Wayne Tomorrow! is working on building the brand in Wayne County as we prepared to implement a brand promotion strategy outside of the county, also developed by the Nikki Jones Agency.

  • Look for the AgroLegacy™ Logo on the farm, in the market, at the restaurant and in the store and make an effort to include fresh, high quality, local foods and products when you are planning a meal, a party or looking for a gift. The AgroLegacy™ brand guarantees that the money you spend helps local farm families make agriculture a more prosperous business. Most people want to support local farms and local farm families and AgroLegacy makes those opportunities clear to them.

  • The website provides background information and a list of participants. In the next few weeks, we will be launching the consumer website, where you can learn more about farms that make it easier for consumers, restaurateurs and others in the community to know they are purchasing products of exceptional quality grown or created right here at home.